March ‘24

Chaos, pure chaos.

First of all this month was a bit miserable. I was unaware of some mold building up in our bathroom and now we’re replacing the floor. AWESOME! So for context there’s a reason there weren’t as many streams this month and why I was constantly having headaches and migraines. Now, as someone who has 1-2 migraines a month, having one EVERY SINGLE NIGHT and 20 individual headaches per day even with medication…let’s just say it was a heap of not fun. Glad to have found the cause!!! And of course if you are experiencing a literal insane amount of head pain I highly suggest you check around your house. I should have known better considering my previous apartment - HA - but no. Embarrassingly I didn’t notice until far too late.

Despite that incident we managed to do some cool stuff this month!

I worked on clay to get myself familiar with the material again. It went rather well! I couldn’t make small pieces to save my life…but eventually I managed to get some smaller pieces! Now that I’m a bit more confident with it I’m excited to try new things like book earrings. My biggest issue with earrings is that I want them to be LIGHT and cute. The smaller you go the more difficult it is to physically handle, but I’m quite happy with how my testers turned out.

Also, there’s no temperature controller on my oven. You just watch the temp meter as it shows you where it’s currently at. So I’m pretty happy that I’ve found a way around it and didn’t burn my clay. :) Legit the best day ever!

On that note of the book earrings, YES, I’ve been reading my books like crazy and I’ve read…idk…about 10 books already this year? That’s a HUGE record for me! Soon I’ll be down hanging out with my Mom for Spring Break, so that means more shopping and definitely more books. I have a serious book problem, but it’s also helping me write my own so I really can’t even consider it a complaint. I HAVE TOO MANY BOOKS! Boo hoo. I need more books. Haha! At least I now have the space for book shelves!

We also got a majority of our stuff into the new studio. It’s been a process trying to find the right layout to organize everything and make it spacious as well. I’m not 100% on any ideas at the moment, but I’m sure it’ll get there. We were holding off on this until summer, but we got a bit of a head start just to get the majority of items out of our other buildings. Regardless, it’s wonderful to have the extra space. Organizing it will be a serious challenge.

I am trying to keep up with the prep for summer projects. Clay, Paint, Sewing, etc. I was beginning to feel bad about not keeping up with my digital art projects, but then I decided you know what? Fuck it. I’m a one-girl-show and I’m doing a lot of things. If people don’t like it they can say Sayonara. It’s not just about finishing projects even though that’s the end goal right? But I’m enjoying the journey and process which is so different and rare. I do a better job when I’m enjoying something and not in a rush. I keep catching myself TRYING to stress myself out with “omg I need to get this done asap!” and it’s only driving me nuts. I’d rather relax and be the happiest I can be. Which by the way is pretty damn happy. There are still struggles living up here at 7,000 FT, but it’s worth every minute of every day. And I enjoy sharing it with people so they can be inspired to live their best life that they need.


April ‘24


Obsidian is my new Obsession