Hello 2023

I did not hit many of my goals for last year…

Most of it due to overestimating my ability to navigate a new environment. Now that I’ve lived the Mountain Life for a year I believe I can better prepare myself for the journey ahead.

Reflection & Goals

Process of Learning

Most creators and myself included have a slow work process based on how we’re feeling. It kind of sucks, because all it takes is a bad day to force us out of work and into a state of recovery. Both physical and mental.

2022 Workflow: Test Everything.
2023 Workflow: Using what I’ve Learned.

Although sometimes this process can make a big impact on how much we create, it doesn’t mean that we can’t find better ways to do things. My special workflow is built on the lifestyle I’ve chosen to live as well as relying on my physical health to stay at it’s peak.

Things that I cannot control tend to get me down more than anything else. I’ve found ways to cope with living in the mountains and managing my aliments. However, there are some days that are impossible, and I’ve had to learn very harshly to just accept those defeats. Again, it sucks.


I’ve slowly been working out how to keep my business afloat. I’ve had to make decisions that aren’t ideal in the past, so moving forward is going to require a much more involved hand. I’ve been sitting back and going with the flow, but now I’m ready to just go for it.

The only thing that’s held me back for the last few years is fear of success. What if I get more business than I can handle? How can I deal with things being so far in the mountains where a trip to the post office is only once a month?

These things scared me more than I think I was admitting. But I’m not afraid anymore. Things will only be what they were meant to be. And I accept that.

Losing my Support Team

There’s no doubt about it. Twitch was always my greatest support team. And now that I cannot stream often enough even if I tried… it’s a big blow. I’ve been struggling to rebuild elsewhere, but as much as I would like to fight Twitch on some things, I really did love that platform.

So streams will continue to be few and far between, but that’s something I’m going to have to accept defeat in for now. Maybe someday I can build it back up, but until then I need to focus on just working hard.

What to do?

Clearly I’ve had a lot of time to reflect and decide. I won’t be upset about the things I couldn’t achieve last year. I’m going to just keep moving forward, trying my best, and hoping for the best.

It doesn’t matter how long it takes to achieve your goals. As long as you reach them eventually. I’ve been living in a state of “behind” for almost two years now, but I’m almost caught up because I never gave up. Dreams will always just be dreams if you don’t try to live and experience them. So go…

LIVE your Dreams.

Setting the Tone

I’m looking for words. Simple words to better define my years.

In 2021 this word was HAPPY.
I was so miserable being in Alabama. All I wanted was to live a life that brought my happiness, and while I didn’t think it was going to happen that forced change made me pull myself together and find my happiness elsewhere.

In 2022 this word was QUALITY.
The moving and changing of my personal life didn’t give me the opportunity to work on things except in a fast-pace which ultimately was ruining the quality of my work. I felt so terrible about losing a whole year. But it was the road to success.

Reflecting on 2022

“It's been Chaotic, Difficult, and I've been so unsure of myself this past year. But thanks to you guys I've really grown to understand my new life and the role I wish to take in it. I will not let go of Inspiration. And I will not define myself by other's expectations of me. I will be Happy, Inspired, Determined, and Free."
— Instagram/@Aurelia_Vel

In 2023 my word is SELF.

Not to be confused with selfish, just SELF. Focusing on the Me that I want to be. I made the mistake of letting other people define me. But I’m tired of being ruled by others. I’m stepping up, for real this time, and not going to be obligated to play any role other than the one I want for my little self.

I let go of my own inspiration because of other people. I didn’t want to disappoint anyone, and I held off my desire to want to create very specific things that made me really happy and inspired. Never again.

Not to say that people were demanding or even aware that I was trying to live up to their unspoken expectations of me, but I saw the hints and tried my best. But honestly your best isn’t good enough if you’re following someone else’s desired path. It isn’t mine to walk. Never again.

I make my own path even if nobody else likes it. You don’t have to. It’s MINE. We all have our own journey to take, but it’s up to YOU to decide how you wish to take it.

Story Time

Another Artist I follow recently lost her cat. And before that I saw a random post on Instagram how these other people were told their cat wasn’t going to live much longer so they spent every last moment with them that they could. It just so happened that a few days earlier I was deciding that this year I will focus on SELF and in doing so would appreciate each day with my own kitties and make sure they get the love and attention they deserve.

They aren’t there to just “be” in my presence and make me feel less lonely. They are there to be loved and cherished all day, every day. Not because you’ve been told how much time they have left, but because they deserve your love every waking moment until that inevitable time comes. I’m not letting my time go to waste. Not a single grain of it. So while this is a long explanation as to why I am choosing self this year, I hope it makes others realize their time is also precious. Use it wisely.


An Artist’s Hobbies


After Vacation Update