The 100 (Series)

First and foremost I would like to warn anyone who read this review…

I saw “The 100” as a show before ever reading these books. It’s also my FAVORITE TV show ever. So I can’t be unbiased in these reviews. AT ALL.

This is 100% my personal opinion and it’s perfectly okay if you do not agree with my reviews at all.

Also, S P O I L E R S like mad. Sorry not sorry.

Written by Kass Morgan | ★★★★★ (5 Stars)

The 100 Review:

There were many characters who didn’t exist in the books versus the show and vice versa. But I did enjoy both individually, the book, and the show.

So for the book I loved Clarke’s BFF, Thalia. And BOTH the parents being executed? It was shocking to say the least. It was a slow start in the first book, but honestly once you started seeing the differences I was so enthralled wanting to know what else was different. The child radiation experiments were brilliant, and added much more drama than the life support failure alone. And there was no Jasper which broke my heart. But Asher was the first to die by grounder and he was kinda the same character profile as Jasper I think. All in all it was much more of a twist, and Glass seemed to be such a waste of a character until later.

Day 21 Review:

I LOVED the Clarke X Bellamy as much as they avoided it in the show I still loved the coupling. No Lincoln character which was a shame, BUT Sasha was just as amazing as a grounder prisoner. But then realizing she wasn’t much of a grounder gave it a nice twist. Clarke finding her dad’s watch on earth was entirely cool, and definitely got me interested in seeing what happened to them. SO glad her parents were both still alive. Also the whole Mount Weather thing, I like them as allies, but I also liked them as baddies in the show. It’s a complicated feeling because both sides were brilliantly written.

Homecoming Review:

The Rhodes Tyranny was far worse than Marcus. I liked Marcus over time but this guy I could not wish any good fortune on. Bellamy has SUCH a heart that I do not have. Sasha’s death was insane betrayal. I can see how it was such a need for story progression, but I was so freaking disappointed. She deserved better. ALSO Wells does not have a shitty death like in the show, he survives and is actually a decent leader. I did find the half-brother thing to be a slap in the face but also a great idea. The council of leaders had such great choices. Oh! Glass’s growth in this book was amazing and she finally became more interesting to me as a person.

Rebellion Review:

This new council of both Earthborn and Colonists was brilliant in terms of humanity working together, it definitely lifted my spirits. The crazy twist here with the “Fanatics” was crazy-good. I liked this particular difference the most and I found the Ending to be 10x more satisfying than the show. The show was pretty dark and gritty which I do love, but the book ending is completely uplifting and gives such a great feeling after dealing with crazy humans. Maybe it was just a better plot overall, but I just enjoyed the feeling after finishing the series much more than finishing the show. These books as a stand-alone aren’t great. But if you read them all right after the next it has a much more solid feeling of triumph and sacrifice. I would not spend too much time in between. Read them all at once and you’ll enjoy them as I have. EVERY book is a 5 star from me.


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