January ‘24

I thought I would write a blog to keep my mind on track. I often go back and see what my thoughts or ideas were previously. So this should be no different.

EXCUSE the brain dump…

There are only so many things you can do at once. Everything needs to be set in matter of priority. Hmmm.

  1. Empty Papa’s Place of TRASH. (Wanted to make Summer Project. We started this week. Wasn’t as much crap as I thought it was. It’s nearly there.)

  2. Clean Papa’s Place with DISINFECTING things.

  3. Re-arrange all furniture to make room for sewing desks and larger items.

  4. Move Crafty Items from House into Papa’s Place.

  5. Reorganize my office for the millionth time.

  6. Reopen Cintiq and computer towers.

  7. Bring all monitors to office for a tri-screen setup.

  8. Get Stream reconfigured for Desktop. No need for new things, just make sure to use file space ON the PC.

  9. Work on a Live 2-D model with photoshop and ENDLESS layers.

  10. Try out Live 2-D free trial and good luck to me on rigging.

At the moment we’re only on step one. But it could have been worse. We already patched up the roof where the tree fell. Oh yeah, if you didn’t already see my YouTube video…the tree at my Papa’s Place finally fell. That’s the only reason we’re starting on this particular project. It’s finally SAFE to even begin.

So we bundle up cause it’s cold as hell in there without using the fireplace. (We broke the pipe so it needs to be replaced anyways.) There’s a ton of items we’ve already removed like old food and just literal trash. It’s already looking like a whole new place. Don’t worry, we’re not disrespecting my deceased grandfather. He was a slob. And he admitted it. I believe he said it along the lines of
“When I’m dead, you guys can deal with it.” -manically laughing-
Thanks Grandpa.
He sure is laughing somewhere to be sure. But the last time we were up at his place together he asked that I use the space for my Studio. I’m honoring his wishes, and of course making use of the space to share with Dad and any family that may or may not want to come visit.

Mostly it’s the space. We have a lot of things up here just counting Dad’s tools for various things he’s good at. Woodworking, Metalsmithing, Plumbing, Electrical, etc. There’s a reason everything is so nice up here in the wilderness of the Mountains. He’s a professional handyman. I’m just the Designer. BUT I’m really very good at making floor plans and creating ideas for new space. That’s how any of my shit fits anywhere anyways. I’m ALWAYS reorganizing. This isn’t a bad talent. I’m just not an architect. Every time I try to imagine something I explain it to Dad, and he takes what I’m thinking and tells me how it’d work in reality. Sometimes the two don’t mix but sometimes it’ll prompt him to come up with new ideas. I’d like to think I’m a very good influence.

That should be all for now. A clear cut path to what the hell we’re doing this year. No renovations just yet. Only repair jobs and storage movement. Hopefully it’ll stay this way! We’ve got enough to do around here. 🤍


February ‘24


Hello 2024